How to Change the Chart Type in Excel Tutorials

How to Change the Chart Type in Excel

How to Change the Chart Type in Excel

When creating a chart in Excel, you will often want to change the type of chart you are using to more effectively display the information you are presenting. Excel offers a variety of chart types for you to use. This tutorial will teach you how to change the type of chart you are using in Excel.

Step 1: Click on a blank area of the chart

Use the cursor to click on a blank area on your chart. Make sure to click on a blank area in the chart. The border around the entire chart will become highlighted. Once you see the border appear around the chart, then you know it is ready to be changed.

Step 1: Click on a blank area of the chart

Step 2: Select the Chart Design tab

After you have selected your chart, the Chart Design tab will appear on the ribbon. This tab will only appear when a chart is selected. Options included in this tab are Chart Layouts, Chart Styles, Data, Type and Location.

Step 2: Select the Chart Design tab

Step 3: Click the Change Chart Type Button

The Change Chart Type button is in the Type section of the Chart Design tab. Click on the Change Chart type button and a pop-up menu will appear with all the Chart Type options available.

Step 3: Click the Change Chart Type Button

Alternate method: When the chart is selected, right click the mouse and select the Change Chart Type option.

Step 4: Select the Chart Type you would like to use from the Change Chart Type screen

Now that you see the Change Chart Type screen you can select any of the available options. You can preview how the various chart types will look and select the appropriate chart for your data. Excel provides a Recommended Charts and All Chart tabs on this screen. Once you select your chart type, click OK, and your chart will change to the one you picked.

Step 4: Select the Chart Type

Topic #3

How to Move and Resize Charts in Excel

Thanks for checking out this tutorial. If you need additional help, you can check out some of our other free Excel Chart tutorials, or consider taking an Excel class with one of our professional trainers.