How to Make a Radar Chart in Excel Tutorials

How to Make a Radar Chart in Excel

How to Make a Radar Chart in Excel

A radar chart (also known as a spider chart) are used to plot one or more groups of values over multiple common variables. They are useful when you cannot directly compare the variables and is especially great for visualizing performance analysis or survey data.

This tutorial will show you how to make and edit a Radar Chart in Excel

How to Make a Radar chart in Excel

Step 1: Select the data you want displayed in the Radar chart

Use your mouse to select the data you would like to include in your Radar Chart (holding down the control key allows non-contiguous ranges of data to be selected).

Step 1: Select the data you want displayed in the Column chart

Step 2: Click the Insert Tab, and then Click the Waterfall, Funnel, Stock, surface or Radar button.

After selecting the data for the chart, click on the Insert tab and select waterfall choice from the charts group.

Step 2: Click the Insert Tab, and then Click theWaterfall, Funnel, Stock, surface or Radar button

Step 3: Select the desired Radar Chart.

Click the appropriate Radar Chart option from the Insert Waterfall, Funnel, Stock, surface or Radar panel, then the chart will appear in the workbook.

Step 3: Select the desired Radar Chart

There are currently three options available: Radar, Radar with markers, and Filled Radar. Each allows information to be displayed a little differently. Radar is the default in Excel. Radar with markers makes the data points easier to read. Finally Filled Radar focuses attention on the areas in between the lines.

Step 3: Radar Chart Types

Result: Your Radar Chart will appear on your worksheet

You will now see your area chart appear in your worksheet. Now you can start adding chart elements and formatting to your chart. Continue reading for more details on adding chart elements and chart formatting.

Line Graph

How to Add Chart Elements to a Radar chart in Excel

Step 1: Click on a blank area of the chart.

Use the cursor to click on a blank area on your chart. Make sure to click on a blank area in the chart. The border around the entire chart will become highlighted. Once you see the border appear around the chart, then you know the chart editing features are enabled.

Step 1: Click on a blank area of the chart

Step 2: Click on the Chart Elements button next to the chart

Once the chart name area is highlighted, you will see the Chart Elements button next to upper right hand side of the chart. The button looks like a plus sign. Doing this will open the Chart Elements window.

Step 2: Click on the Chart Elements button next to the chart

Step 3: Check the Chart Elements you would like to add from the Chart Elements window

Once you have opened the Chart Elements window, you will see a number of items you can select to add to your chart. Check the Chart Elements you would like to display and they will appear on your chart. You can click on the arrow next to each Chart Element option for some additional formatting options.

Step 3: Check the Chart Elements you would like to add from the Chart Elements window

Here are the available chart elements for a Radar Chart:

  • Axes
  • Chart Title
  • Data Labels
  • Data Table
  • Gridlines
  • Legend

Each of these chart elements can be formatted in a variety of ways. Please see our other tutorials on how to add and format each chart element.

How to Format a Radar chart in Excel

Step 1: Right-Click on a blank area of the chart

Use the mouse to right-click on a blank area on your chart. On the menu that appears select the Format Chart Area option.

Step 1: Right-Click on a blank area of the chart

Step 2: Select the Format Chart Area option

On the menu that appears select the Format Chart Area option. Doing this will open the Format Chart Area panel on the right side of the workbook.

Step 2: Select the Format Chart Area option

Step 3: Use the Format Chart Area panel to make changes to the appearance of your chart

Once you have opened the Format Chart Area panel, you will see a number of items you can modify on your chart. use these features to create a custom look for your Radar chart.

Step 3: Use the Format Chart Area panel to make changes to the appearance of your chart

Here are the available chart elements for a Radar Chart:

  • Fill
  • Border
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Soft Edges
  • 3-D Format
  • Size
  • Properties

Please note: You can also right click on any of your chart elements and open a separate formatting panel for that particular item. The Format Chart Area panel will be the one you want to use when formatting the main structure of the chart.

How to Filter a Radar Chart in Excel

Step 1: Click on a blank area of the chart

Use the cursor to click on a blank area on your chart. Make sure to click on a blank area in the chart. The border around the entire chart will become highlighted. Once you see the border appear around the chart, then you know the chart editing features are enabled.

Step 1: Click on a blank area of the chart

Step 2: Click on the Chart Filter button next to the chart

Once the chart name area is highlighted, you will see the Chart Filters button next to upper right-hand side of the chart. The button looks like a plus sign. Doing this will open the Chart Filters window

Step 2: Click on the Chart Filter button next to the chart

Step 3: Check the Chart Filters you would like to add from the Chart Filters window

Once you have opened the Chart Filters window, you will see a number of items you can select to add to your chart. Check the Chart Filters you would like to display and they will appear on your chart.

Step 3: Check the Chart Filters you would like to add from the Chart Filters window

Topic #13

How to Make a Treemap Chart in Excel

Thanks for checking out this tutorial. If you need additional help, you can check out some of our other free Excel Chart Tutorials, or consider taking an Excel class with one of our professional trainers.